Sunday, August 28, 2011

Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Can you tell that school has started? I can-it's been over a week since I've been able to post anything since I've been so super busy at school. 
No complaints, though! Lovin' my job so far! 

So, for my comeback post, how about some cupcakes?
Yum. Cupcakes.  CARROT cupcakes in fact.

Three days after our anniversary was my husband's birthday.  I told him I'd make him any dessert he wanted. 

(Mind you, last year I made him a cake and it completely fell apart and I ended up throwing the whole thing away and crying and our friends ran to Sprinkles to get a replacement dessert .  It was not pretty.  Luckily this year was much better.)

He said carrot cake.  I said cupcakes.  Done and done.
My friend Jenny says her husband is addicted to her carrot cake recipe.  I figured I'd give it a try.  She's got a cool blog too.  You can find the recipe at
The batter was easy to make.  Hardest part for me was grating the carrots.  I realized my food processor doesn't have the grater attachment so I got an arm workout grating.  Mental note to look into getting one.
Yum.  And healthy- it's carrots after all, so it doesn't even count as dessert. 
Thanks, Jenny for the recipe!  

Cooper made me post this picture from his bday party.  :)
Nothing quite like beer and cupcakes. And a creepy hand.  I'm hoping it's not my creepy hand but I have a feeling it is.

Oh yeah, sorry, you thought this blog was about sewing, didn't you? 
I got some good deals at JoAnn today and got some new sewing goodies and fabrics.  Have you checked out JoAnn's iPhone app?  Great coupons on there!
Look forward to pillows, baby blankets, and schoolhouse tunics!  Oh my!

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